February 07, 2011

Loving Others by Maggie Hammock

Character Matters Essay Contest, 2nd Place, High School Division

Thousands of historical figures over the years have been documented as having an exceptional moral character, but it can certainly be argued that no one possessed a character as flawless as Mother Teresa. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was the absolute epitome of a person of good character. It is often said that a person’s character is truly defined by how they act when no one is looking. Too often, people “edit” their actions when they know they are being watched and evaluated. Mother Teresa proved her strong moral character by never faltering in her efforts to bring a positive change to the slums of India, regardless of whether she was being filmed by the world’s premier news stations, or whether she was alone with a hurting stranger in the privacy of a caretaking facility. Mother Teresa truly proved why character matters through her extensive missionary work in poverty-stricken India; she worked tirelessly for others and consistently poured herself into her work, never worrying about receiving accolades for the work she knew she had been called to do.

One of Mother Teresa’s most noted quotes was “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa recognized that although a person might look physically healthy, it is loneliness and sadness that are the greatest poverties of all. Mother Teresa knew that everyone is poor in some way, be it fiscally poor, or, worse, poor in mind and spirit. Since she understood that everyone has trials, she did all she could to try to make every single person she encountered richer in some way. Though she was well known for tending to the sick and dying of Calcutta, people often forget that she “healed” those who seemed healthy, as well. Mother Teresa never ceased in her quest to bring aid and love to everyone. She defined what she did as attempting to make everyone feel God’s love through her actions. Thus, Mother Teresa was able to significantly touch the lives of literally every single person she encountered, simply by showing them she loved them by her actions. By never going “off the job”, Mother Teresa gained the status as one of the greatest figures of our time, a status that was made even more unique by the simple fact that she did not desire it. She did what she felt called to do because of her love for Jesus and for all of us made in His image. She loved Him by serving Him in “the distressing disguise of the poor”, not because she aspired to gain personal recognition. Her moral character became legendary, and thus became a living example to others of why character not only matters, but is necessary in a society fraught with problems and sadness.

Mother Teresa is a shining example for me of how to live a life of putting love and faith into action. After her beatification in 2003, I have studied her life and work to a great extent. She has become a great role model for me, and I strive to live by her example of helping the poor in spirit. I live in a fairly affluent area, and the majority of students at my high school are able to live very comfortably financially. Even though most are not fiscally poor, I have witnessed several peers who are indeed depressed and quite lonely. Mother Teresa describes the worst poverty to experience is that of loneliness, and the feeling of being unwanted or unloved. I see such students suffering in my own school, so I try to reach out to these students who I know are hurting by simply saying hello, and acknowledging them by name. Following Mother Teresa’s example, I try to maintain a positive attitude, and smile at everyone I come in contact with, especially those who seem withdrawn and lonely. I especially strive, however, to be a friend to those who need it most. The students that have nowhere to go at lunch know that they are always welcome to come sit with me, and students that feel alone know that I am always available and eager to listen to them, and to simply be a friend when they have no one else. Just as Mother Teresa worked to heal every person she met without looking for praise and attention, I try to be a positive light in my community, and reach out to those who need it most. The reward of simply knowing that I have made someone’s day better is far greater than any physical award or recognition that I might receive by promoting my actions.

Quietly performing small acts of great love that no one else sees except God, fills my spirit and strengthens my character. I have learned from following the example of Blessed Mother Teresa. Though she died just a few years after I was born, her work lives on in the thousands that she physically cared for, and in those whom she inspired through her goodness. Profound loneliness can be foud within our own family, school, and community. A simple smile or an invitation to sit together is a quiet expression of love. Mother Teresa’s flawless character was exemplified through her daily selfless acts of love. She impressed upon me the importance of being someone whose eyes recognize the lonely who live among us, so that my heart is ready to reach out to them and love them.

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